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Let's Talk: SB-1047

Join me and hundreds of other hard-working Californians in opposing Senate Bill 1047. This bill not only limits growth, but it locks away the reason why Silicon Valley is so great. We cannot let AI be limited, but more importantly, we cannot let the government limit our creativity.

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What is SB-1047?

SB 1047, introduced by Senator Scott Wiener, aims to regulate the development and deployment of advanced artificial intelligence models in California. The bill establishes a framework for developers to ensure that AI models do not possess hazardous capabilities that could lead to critical harm, such as creating weapons of mass destruction or causing mass casualties through cyber-attacks. Key provisions include mandatory safety protocols, a new Frontier Model Division in the Department of Technology, and reporting requirements for AI safety incidents. The bill also proposes CalCompute, a public cloud computing cluster to support safe AI research and development. Click here to view the full bill.

SB 1047 may appear to prioritize safety, but it imposes excessive regulations that stifle innovation and place an undue burden on AI developers. The bill’s stringent requirements for safety protocols, annual compliance certifications, and severe penalties for non-compliance could hinder technological advancements and place California at a competitive disadvantage. These regulations could discourage small businesses and startups from developing AI technologies, limiting the state's growth in this critical sector. If you would like to learn more about opposing SB 1047, visit the X pages of Daniel Jeffries and Jeremy Nixon.

Join us in opposing SB 1047! Contact your local assembly members and tell them to vote NO on this bill by August 31st. Let’s ensure California remains a leader in AI innovation without unnecessary regulatory constraints. Your voice matters—take action now!

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Act Now

SB 1047 imposes heavy regulations on AI development, increasing costs and hindering progress. By mandating strict safety protocols and audits, it places excessive control in state hands, threatening California's tech leadership. Find your assembly member below and see AI predictions on their likely vote on August 31st, made with ChatGPT. Contact your local assembly member and urge them to vote NO on SB 1047 to protect innovation and creativity. If you would like to learn more about the reasons behind the opposition, go to


Red-In Favor of 1047

Green-Opposing 1047


Rick Chavez Zbur

District 51 (San Diego)

ChatGPT Prediction: Assembly Member Zbur will likely vote in favor of the bill with careful consideration for small businesses.

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*All predictions were created by ChatGPT using prior knowledge about each assembly member. Predictions may not accurately reflect stances of each member.

Stay Informed

Join us on July 20, 2024, from 4 pm to 6 pm PST for an engaging Space session on X about SB 1047. Our goal is to educate participants about the bill and facilitate a lively, yet respectful, debate among various perspectives. The session will feature conversations between speakers and differing viewpoints on SB-1047, beginning with an introduction to the bill and its effects, followed by a free-flowing discussion using guiding questions from our premade agenda. If you are interested in attending as a speaker or have any questions, please email Don’t miss this pivotal discussion on the future of AI regulation.

Key Points


X (Spaces), YouTube

Discussion Topics:

Impacts, implications, and opinionated viewpoints on SB 1047

The discussion will be a free-range conversation with guiding questions linked in the agenda. The discussion will revolve around the differing opinions of each speaker.


Various AI enthusiasts and politicians in the AI space

The speaker slate will include various AI enthusiasts as well as politicians who have strong opinions on SB 1047. More information about speakers and the agenda will be updated soon.

Join Us

We urgently need your support to oppose SB-1047, a bill that poses a significant threat to the advancement of artificial intelligence and the livelihood of thousands of individuals in California. If passed, SB-1047 would impose severe restrictions on AI development, driving innovation out of our state and forcing hundreds of AI startups to relocate, putting thousands of people out of work. Your voice is crucial in this fight. To spread the message and amplify our collective opposition, we invite you to join us by signing up with the form on the right. If you sign up, your name will be listed with other Californians who proudly stand against AI regulation. Your support will send a strong message to our legislators that we stand united in protecting innovation, jobs, and the future of AI in California. Let’s work together to ensure that SB-1047 does not pass. Sign up today to show your opposition and help us safeguard the future of AI in our state.

Sign up to endorse NO on SB-1047

  1. Ion Stoica, UC Berkeley Professor

  2. Amit Jain, CEO of LumaAI

  3. Anjney Midha, General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz

  4. Matt Popovich, CEO of Legislature AI

  5. Nirit Weiss-Blatt, USC Research Fellow

  6. Rohit Krishnan, Co-founder of Fab

  7. Chris Lengerich, Founder of ContextFund

  8. Jiquan Ngiam, CEO of Lutra AI

  9. 8vdx

  10. Abundance Institute

  11. Acclamation Insurance Management Services

  12. Adacta Labs

  13. Aidy

  14. Alec Action

  15. Algolia

  16. Allied Managed Care

  17. Alloy Automation

  18. American Consumer Institute

  19. Andi

  20. Andy Ai

  21. Anneal

  22. Answerdotai IN

  23. Antifragile Research Dba Creatorml

  24. Apriora

  25. Argovox

  26. Association of National Advertisers

  27. Baseline Ai

  28. Bay Area Council

  29. Bilanc Finance INC.

  30. Brighterway

  31. Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

  32. Bsa The Software Alliance

  33. CalChamber

  34. California Chamber Of Commerce

  35. California Fuels And Convenience Alliance

  36. California Fuels And Convenience Alliance

  37. California Land Title Association

  38. California Life Sciences

  39. California Manufacturers & Technology Association

  40. California Manufacturers And Technology Association

  41. Candoriq

  42. Canonical Ai INC

  43. Center for Data Innovation

  44. Chamber Of Progress

  45. Chima

  46. Circle Medical

  47. Citron Labs

  48. Civil Justice Association Of California

  49. Clarum

  50. Clean Fuels & Convenience Alliance

  51. Clerky

  52. Coalition of California Chambers – Orange County

  53. Coalition of Small and Disabled Veteran Businesses

  54. Cointracker

  55. Competitive Enterprise Institute

  56. Computer & Communications Industry Association

  57. Concerns

  58. Constructable

  59. Consumer Technology Association

  60. Consumer Technology Association

  61. Curtsy

  62. Cyble

  63. Deconvolute Ai

  64. Deferred

  65. Dianahr

  66. Digital First Project

  67. Distill

  68. Docsum

  69. Double

  70. Double Finance

  71. EcomBack

  72. Edge

  73. Eden - Workplace Management Software

  74. Ello

  75. Elythea

  76. Entori, INC

  77. Envelope

  78. ​Taxgpt INC

  79. Technet

  80. Tensor

  81. Tesorio INC

  82. Tracecat

  83. Trainy

  84. Truewind Technologies, INC.

  85. Turbolayer INC. Dba Automatica

  86. Turboprop

  87. Turing Labs

  88. Tusk

  89. Twine

  90. Two Dots

  91. UC Berkeley

  92. UC Berkeley Sky Computing Lab

  93. Up Dog

  94. Upkeep

  95. Viva Labs

  96. Walrus Tech INC

  97. Willow

  98. Wordware

  99. Y Combinator

  100. Zapier

  101. Zaymo

  102. Zep Ai

  103. Retell Ai

  104. Revamp Ai

  105. Reworkd Ai

  106. Rinsed

  107. Rippling

  108. Risotto

  109. Rocketlit INC.

  110. Rootly

  111. San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce

  112. San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce

  113. Sela

  114. Sepal Ai

  115. Sideguide Technologies INC

  116. Silicon Valley Leadership Group

  117. Simplify

  118. Software & Information Industry Association

  119. Software And Information Industry Association

  120. Sorting Robotics

  121. Southwest California Legislative Council

  122. Spoken

  123. Sprx

  124. Squire Ai

  125. Stack Ai

  126. Sterling Road

  127. Storyquest, INC.

  128. Storyworth

  129. Sway Finance

  130. Sync Labs

  131. Synova Life Sciences

  132. Tailor

  133. Movley

  134. National Federation Of Independent Business

  135. Octolane Ai

  136. Oneshop

  137. Onward

  138. Openmart

  139. Openpod

  140. Orange Collective

  141. Orange County Business Council

  142. Pabio INC.

  143. Patched Codes, INC

  144. Patika Technology, INC

  145. Patterns

  146. Persist Ai

  147. Phonely

  148. Picnichealth

  149. Playground

  150. Poll Everywhere

  151. Preloop INC.

  152. Q8 Empowering Change

  153. Query Vary

  154. R Street Institute

  155. Rainforest Qa, INC.

  156. Regology INC

  157. Insights Association

  158. International Business Machines Corporation

  159. International Center for Law & Economics

  160. Invert INC

  161. Invoke Labs

  162. Jo

  163. K-scale Labs

  164. Keywords Ai INC.

  165. Kontractify, INC

  166. Lightski

  167. Linc Ai

  168. Linum


  170. Local Reg

  171. Los Angeles Area Chamber Of Commerce

  172. Los Angeles Business Federation

  173. Los Angeles County Business Federation

  174. Lovecast INC Dba Stably Ai

  175. Lumona

  176. Markprompt

  177. Marr Labs Technologies, INC

  178. Martian Mobility INC. Dba Telematica

  179. Meta

  180. Metroport

  181. Miru

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Paid for by

Greg Tanaka For Congress 2024

Tanaka for Palo Alto City Council in 2020

FEC #C00864884

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