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Time for Change: Ending Daylight Saving Time


In the ebb and flow of modern life, the biannual ritual of changing our clocks for Daylight Saving Time (DST) stands out as a tradition ripe for reassessment. This century-old practice, increasingly out of step with today's global trends, poses unnecessary burdens on our health, economy, and daily rhythms. Councilmember Greg Tanaka, if elected to Congress, pledges to champion the end of this outdated practice, advocating for a consistent, standardized time-keeping system. This move aligns with a global trend away from DST and addresses the significant economic and health costs associated with the current system.

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The Global Trend Away from DST

Around the world, nations are increasingly recognizing the drawbacks of DST. The European Union has initiated steps to empower member countries to choose their standard time, signaling a move away from mandatory clock changes. Countries like Russia and Turkey have already discontinued DST, opting for a permanent standard time. This global shift underscores a growing consensus about the disruptive nature of DST and its dwindling relevance in our interconnected world.

The Voice of the People

The American public's stance is overwhelmingly clear. Surveys indicate that up to 74% of the population supports eliminating Daylight Saving Time altogether, demonstrating a strong public mandate for a more sensible, stable approach to national timekeeping.

The Case for Change

  1. Health and Well-Being: The health implications of DST are profound. The practice disrupts our natural circadian rhythms, leading to sleep disturbances, diminished well-being, and heightened risk of various health issues, including heart disease and mental health challenges.

  2. Economic and Productivity Costs: The economic ramifications of DST are striking. The process of changing clocks has been associated with an estimated $1.7 billion in lost opportunity cost annually. These costs arise from a combination of factors, including decreased productivity, increased workplace injuries, and even spikes in cyberloafing — employees wasting time on computers during work hours.

  3. Alignment with Global Best Practices: As the international community increasingly moves away from DST, the United States has an opportunity to align its practices with a global shift towards more rational, health-conscious, and economically prudent timekeeping.

  4. Agricultural Impact: The agricultural sector, foundational to the American economy, has consistently opposed DST. The practice disrupts farming schedules and negatively impacts livestock, illustrating its misalignment with the sector's needs and contributing to economic inefficiency.


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Join us in making every hour count, for a healthier, more productive, and unified future.

The Proposal

Councilmember Greg Tanaka calls for an end to the biannual clock changes, advocating for a standardized time that honors our circadian rhythms, meets the demands of modern society, and supports our collective economic and health well-being. This proposal aligns with the preferences of a substantial majority of Americans and recognizes the clear economic, health, and lifestyle benefits of a consistent time-keeping system.

As we embark on this journey of legislative change, we invite the constituents of U.S. Congressional District 16 to join Councilmember Tanaka in advocating for a future that respects our health, maximizes our productivity, and unifies our approach to time-keeping. Together, we can champion a time change that reflects the needs and desires of the American people, aligns with global best practices, and embraces a healthier, more productive, and unified future.

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Greg Tanaka For Congress 2024

Tanaka for Palo Alto City Council in 2020

FEC #C00864884

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